May 20, 2008

Professionals vs. Sales People

Finances are by far the most complex daily chore that we have in each of our lives. Finances can destroy a marriage, they can end friendships, and they can cloud our decision making processes. However when financing is done methodically, and with a purpose it can alleviate much of the stresses that come along with it. Financial decisions are one of the most lucrative businesses to be in. Think about it, think about the nicest buildings within your community: The banks, insurance offices, financial advisor's, realtor's, attorneys, and accounting firms, all of them can be found in prime real estate locations. However when we take a closer look at them, they are built in very different ways. Some of them deserve to be in the locations that they occupy, because of the level of Professionalism that they have. The others however are only there because they have what I call the "gift of gab" or the "when their lips are moving, they are lying" abilities. These people are called Sales People. They are able to come across as if they have your best interest in mind, when really they have their own interest in mind, and have systematically talked you into something that you didn't need, and sold you more than you bargained for only to find out tomorrow that you can't get a hold of them to cancel. Do I sound bitter? The moral of the story is to find someone whom you can trust, and is not recommended by a radio personality (because guess what? that is a paid endorsement of some kind or another), or has a vested interest in the referral (because now all of the sudden that person is working to keep more referrals coming in, rather than looking out for your best interest). Work with someone that asks the really uncomfortable questions, the questions that make you dig deeper, the questions that require logic, not emotions. Begin the quest to find true Professionals to work with, and I will see you at the top.

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