Jan 20, 2010

Progressive Impact Defined

I define Progressive Impact as methodically moving towards the Vision for your organization.  Which leaves a question of when will you attain your Vision?  Or when will there be Impact?  The answer:  2 to 3 years after you develop your first Strategic Plan, and only if you continue to review your Strategic Plan on a regular basis, will you attain your first vision.  But it must also be stated that a successful Strategic Plan when continually reviewed, will never accomplish its vision, unless that vision is to close or sell the organization.  Why does it take so long?  Because a successful strategic plan has many intricacies that need to be focused upon, including but not limited to defining your Values, creating a Mantra, composing your Vision Statement, writing your Mission Statement, uncovering and reflecting upon your S.W.O.T (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, & threats), then establishing your Critical Goals while making them S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time sensitive.

Progressive Impact is making sure that you are moving forward with a proactive approach, rather than making reactive decisions.  It has been best described as similar in theory to the cylinders in our automobile engines.  Each cylinder needs to be working in harmony with the others to maximize the efficiency of the engine.  If one of the cylinders is doing more or less than the others, it will harm and potentially destroy that engine.  The same is true in each business in which I have managed and owned, as well as those in which I have coached.

Progressive Impact understands that every business is as unique as each snowflake, BUT takes the approach that every business is more alike than different.  Every Business essentially has the same model: to sell a product or service, in order to make a profit (or stay within budget), in the most productive and efficient way possible, period.  Therefore, Progressive Impact is a forward thinking, positive reinforcement, offering constructive criticism, while uncovering the obstacles that have been keeping businesses from the level of success that they aspire to attain.  It is through the attainment of productivity that business becomes more efficient and profitable.

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